2024-03-01 21:01:22 +01:00

673 lines
18 KiB

// @ts-check
/* RDOM (rotonde dom)
* 0x0ade's collection of DOM manipulation functions because updating innerHTML every time a single thing changes isn't cool.
* This started out as a mini framework for Rotonde.
* Mostly oriented towards quickly manipulating many things quickly.
* @typedef {{ fields: any[], renderers: any[], texts: any[], html: string, init: null | ((el: null | Element) => (null | Element)) }} RDOMParseResult
export var rdom = {
/** @type {Map<string, Element>} */
_cachedTemplates: new Map(),
/** @type {Map<TemplateStringsArray, number[]>} */
_cachedIDs: new Map(),
_lastID: -1,
* Find an element with a given key.
* @param {Element} el Element (context) to search inside.
* @param {string | number} key Key to look for.
* @returns {HTMLElement} Found element.
find(el, key, value = "", type = "field") {
let attr = `rdom-${type}${key === 1 ? "" : key === undefined ? "s" : "-"+key}`;
value = value ? value.toString() : value;
let check = el => {
let av = el.getAttribute(attr);
return av !== null && (!value || value === av) ? el : null;
let checked = check(el);
if (checked)
return checked;
let find = el => {
// Check children first.
for (let child = el.firstElementChild; child; child = child.nextElementSibling) {
let checked = check(child);
if (checked)
return checked;
// If no child matches, check children's children.
for (let child = el.firstElementChild; child; child = child.nextElementSibling) {
if (child["rdomCtx"]) // Context change - ignore this branch.
let found = find(child);
if (found)
return found;
return null;
return find(el);
* Find all elements with a given key.
* @param {Element} el Element (context) to search inside.
* @param {string | number} key Key to look for.
* @returns {HTMLElement[]} Found elements.
findAll(el, key, value = "", type = "field") {
let attr = `rdom-${type}${key === 1 ? "" : key === undefined ? "s" : "-"+key}`;
value = value ? value.toString() : value;
let all = [];
let check = el => {
let av = el.getAttribute(attr);
return av !== null && (!value || value === av) ? el : null;
let checked = check(el);
if (checked)
let find = el => {
for (let child = el.firstElementChild; child; child = child.nextElementSibling) {
let checked = check(child);
if (checked)
if (child["rdomCtx"]) // Context change - ignore this branch.
return all;
* Get the context ID of the given element.
* @param {Element} el Element to get the context ID for.
* @returns {string | null} RDOM context ID.
getCtxID(el, self = true) {
let ctx;
if (self && (ctx = el["rdomCtx"]))
return ctx;
for (let /** @type {Element | null} */ p = el; p; p = el.parentElement) {
if (ctx = p["rdomCtx"])
return ctx;
return null;
* Get the context of the given element.
* @param {Element} el Element to get the context for.
* @returns {HTMLElement | null} RDOM context element.
getCtx(el, self = true) {
if (self && el["rdomCtx"])
return /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (el);
for (let p = /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (el); p; p = el.parentElement) {
if (p["rdomCtx"])
return p;
return null;
/** Prepare an element to be used for RDOM's state-related functions.
* @param {Element} el The element to initialize.
* @returns {HTMLElement} The passed element.
init(el) {
if (el["rdomFields"])
return /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (el);
el["rdomFields"] = {};
el["rdomStates"] = {};
return /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (el);
* Move an element to a given index non-destructively.
* @param {ChildNode} el The element to move.
* @param {number} index The target index.
move(el, index) {
if (!el)
let tmp = el;
// @ts-ignore previousElementSibling is too new?
while (tmp = tmp.previousElementSibling)
// offset == 0: We're fine.
if (!index)
let swap;
tmp = el;
if (index < 0) {
// offset < 0: Element needs to be pushed "left" / "up".
// -offset is the "# of elements we expected there not to be",
// thus how many places we need to shift to the left.
// @ts-ignore previousElementSibling is too new?
while ((swap = tmp) && (tmp = tmp.previousElementSibling) && index < 0)
} else {
// offset > 0: Element needs to be pushed "right" / "down".
// offset is the "# of elements we expected before us but weren't there",
// thus how many places we need to shift to the right.
// @ts-ignore previousElementSibling is too new?
while ((swap = tmp) && (tmp = tmp.nextElementSibling) && index > 0)
/** Escape a string into a HTML - safe format.
* @param {string} m String to escape.
* @returns {string} Escaped string.
escape(m) {
let n = "";
for (let c of ""+m) {
if (c === "&")
n += "&amp;";
else if (c === "<")
n += "&lt;";
else if (c === ">")
n += "&gt;";
else if (c === "\"")
n += "&quot;";
else if (c === "'")
n += "&#039;";
n += c;
return n;
* Get the holder of the rdom-get with the given value, or all holders into the given object.
* @param {Element} el
* @param {string | any} valueOrObj
* @returns {HTMLElement | any}
get(el, valueOrObj = {}) {
if (typeof(valueOrObj) === "string")
return rdom.find(el, 1, valueOrObj, "get");
for (let field of rdom.findAll(el, 1, "", "get")) {
let key = /** @type {string} */ (field.getAttribute("rdom-get"));
valueOrObj[key] = field;
return valueOrObj;
* Parse a template string into a HTML string + extra data, escaping expressions unprefixed with $, inserting attribute arrays and preserving child nodes.
* @param {TemplateStringsArray} template
* @param {...any} values
* @returns {RDOMParseResult}
rdparse$(template, ...values) {
try {
let fields = [];
let renderers = [];
let texts = [];
let init = null;
let attrProxies = new Set();
let ignored = 0;
let ids = /** @type {number[]} */ (rdom._cachedIDs.get(template));
if (!ids) {
ids = [];
rdom._cachedIDs.set(template, ids);
let idi = -1;
let getid = () => ids[++idi] || (ids[idi] = ++rdom._lastID);
let tag = (tag, attr = "", val = "") => `<rdom-${tag} ${attr}>${val}</rdom-${tag}>`
let html = template.reduce(function rdparse$reduce(prev, next, i) {
let val = values[i - 1];
let t = prev[prev.length - 1];
if (ignored) {
// Ignore val.
return prev + next;
if (t === "$") {
// Keep value as-is.
return prev.slice(0, -1) + val + next;
if (val && val.key && next.trim() === "=") {
// Settable / gettable field.
next = "";
fields.push({ h: val, key: val.key, state: val.state, value: values[i] });
val = `rdom-field-${rdom.escape(val.key)}="${rdom.escape(val.key)}"`;
} else if (t === "=") {
// Proxy attributes using a field.
if (val && val.join)
val = val.join(" ");
else if (!(val instanceof Function))
val = ""+val;
let split = prev.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1;
let attr = prev.slice(split, -1);
let key = attr;
if (attrProxies.has(key))
key += "-" + getid();
prev = prev.slice(0, split);
let h = rd.attr(key, attr);
h.value = val;
val = `rdom-field-${rdom.escape(key)}="${rdom.escape(key)}"`;
} else if (val instanceof Function && i === values.length && !next) {
// Add an init processor, which is present at the end of the template.
init = val;
val = "";
} else if (val && (val instanceof Node || val instanceof Function)) {
// Add placeholders, which will be replaced later on.
let id = getid();
let val_ = val;
renderers.push({ id: id, value: val instanceof Function ? val : () => val_ });
val = tag("empty", "rdom-render="+id);
} else {
// Proxy text using a text node.
let id = getid();
texts.push({ id: id, value: val });
val = tag("text", "rdom-text="+id);
prev = prev.trimEnd();
next = next.trimStart();
return prev + val + next;
let data = {
return data;
} catch (e) {
console.warn("[rdom]", "rd$ failed parsing:", String.raw(template, ...(values.map(v => "${"+v+"}"))), "\n", e);
throw e;
* Build the result of rdparse$ into a HTML element.
* @param {Element | null} el
* @param {RDOMParseResult} data
* @returns {HTMLElement}
rdbuild(el, data) {
let elEmpty = null;
if (el && el.tagName === "RDOM-EMPTY") {
elEmpty = el;
el = null;
/** @type {Element | null} */
let nodeBase = null;
if (data.html) {
let html = data.html.trim();
nodeBase = /** @type {Element | null} */ (rdom._cachedTemplates.get(html));
if (!nodeBase) {
nodeBase = document.createElement("template");
nodeBase.innerHTML = html;
// @ts-ignore
nodeBase = nodeBase.content.firstElementChild;
rdom._cachedTemplates.set(html, /** @type {Element} */ (nodeBase));
if (!nodeBase && data.init)
return /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (el || data.init(null));
let init = !el && data.init;
let rel = rdom.init(el || /** @type {Element} */ (document.importNode(/** @type {Element} */ (nodeBase), true)));
if (!rel["rdomCtx"])
rel["rdomCtx"] = ""+(++rdom._lastID);
for (let { id, value } of data.texts) {
let el = rdom.find(rel, 1, id, "text");
if (el && value !== undefined) {
if (el.tagName === "RDOM-TEXT" && el.parentNode?.childNodes.length === 1) {
// Inline rdom-text.
el = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (el.parentElement);
el.setAttribute("rdom-text", id);
el.textContent = value;
// "Collect" fields.
for (let wrap of data.fields) {
let { h, key, state, value } = wrap;
h = h || wrap;
let el = rdom.init(rdom.find(rel, key));
let fields = el["rdomFields"];
let states = el["rdomStates"];
if (!fields[key]) {
// Initialize the field.
`${el.getAttribute("rdom-fields") || ""} ${key}`.trim()
fields[key] = h;
states[key] = state;
if (h.init)
h.init(state, el, key);
// Set the value.
if (value !== undefined)
h.set(states[key], el, value);
for (let { id, value } of data.renderers) {
let el = rdom.find(rel, 1, id, "render");
if (el && value !== undefined) {
let p = el.parentNode;
if (value && value instanceof Function)
value = value(el.tagName === "RDOM-EMPTY" ? null : el);
value = value || rd$(null)`<rdom-empty/>`;
if (el !== value && !(el.tagName === "RDOM-EMPTY" && value.tagName === "RDOM-EMPTY")) {
// Replace (fill) the field.
p?.replaceChild(value, el);
value.setAttribute("rdom-render", id);
if (elEmpty && elEmpty.parentNode)
elEmpty.parentNode.replaceChild(rel, elEmpty);
if (init) {
let rv = init(rel);
if (rv instanceof HTMLElement)
rel = rv || rel;
return rel;
* Parse a template string into an existing HTML element, escaping expressions unprefixed with $, inserting attribute arrays and preserving child nodes.
* Returns a function parsing a given template string into the given HTML element.
* @param {Element | null} [el]
rd$(el) {
* @param {TemplateStringsArray} template
* @param {any[]} values
function rd$dyn(template, ...values) { return rdbuild(el || null, rdparse$(template, ...values)); }
return rd$dyn;
* Parse a template string, escaping expressions unprefixed with $.
* @param {TemplateStringsArray} template
* @param {...any} values
* @returns {string}
escape$(template, ...values) {
return template.reduce(function escape$reduce(prev, next, i) {
let val = values[i - 1];
let t = prev[prev.length - 1];
if (t === "$") {
// Keep value as-is.
return prev.slice(0, -1) + val + next;
// Escape HTML
if (val && val.join)
val = val.join(" ");
val = rdom.escape(val);
if (t === "=")
// Escape attributes.
val = `"${val}"`;
return prev + val + next;
export var rdparse$ = rdom.rdparse$;
export var rdbuild = rdom.rdbuild;
export var rd$ = rdom.rd$;
export var escape$ = rdom.escape$;
* Sample RDOM field handlers.
export var rd = {
_: (h, key, state) => {
return {
key: key,
state: state,
init: h.init,
get: h.get,
set: h.set,
_attr: {
get: (s, el) => s.v,
set: (s, el, v) => {
if (s.v === v)
let prev = s.v;
s.v = v;
if (s.name.startsWith("on") && v instanceof Function) {
let ev = s.name.slice(2);
if (prev && prev instanceof Function)
el.removeEventListener(ev, prev);
el.addEventListener(ev, s.v = v.bind(el), false);
el.setAttribute(s.name, v);
attr: (key, name) => rd._(rd._attr, key, {
name: name || key,
v: undefined,
_toggleClass: {
get: (s) => s.v,
set: (s, el, v) => {
if (s.v === v)
s.v = v;
if (v) {
if (s.nameFalse)
} else {
if (s.nameFalse)
toggleClass: (key, nameTrue, nameFalse) => rd._(rd._toggleClass, key, {
nameTrue: nameTrue || key,
nameFalse: nameFalse,
v: undefined,
_html: {
get: (s, el) => s.v,
set: (s, el, v) => {
if (s.v === v)
s.v = v;
el.innerHTML = v;
html: (key) => rd._(rd._html, key, {
v: undefined,
* A list container context.
export class RDOMListHelper {
* @param {Element} container
constructor(container, ordered = true) {
this.container = container;
this.ordered = ordered;
this._i = -1;
if (container["rdomListHelper"]) {
let ctx = container["rdomListHelper"];
ctx.ordered = ordered;
return ctx;
this.container["rdomListHelper"] = this;
* Set of previously added elements.
* This set will be checked against [added] on cleanup, ensuring that any zombies will be removed properly.
* @type {Set<Element>}
this.prev = new Set();
* Set of [rdom.add]ed elements.
* This set will be used and reset in [rdom.cleanup].
* @type {Set<Element>}
this.added = new Set();
* All current element -> object mappings.
* @type {Map<Element, any>}
this.refs = new Map();
* All current object -> element mappings.
* @type {Map<any, Element>}
this.elems = new Map();
* Adds or updates an element.
* This function needs a reference object so that it can find and update existing elements for any given object.
* @param {any} ref The reference object belonging to the element.
* @param {any} render The element renderer. Either function(Element) : Element, or an object with a property "render" with such a function.
* @returns {HTMLElement} The created / updated wrapper element.
add(ref, render) {
// Check if we already added an element for ref.
// If so, update it. Otherwise create and add a new element.
let el = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this.elems.get(ref));
let elOld = el;
el = render.render ? render.render(el) : render(el);
if (elOld) {
if (elOld !== el)
this.container.replaceChild(el, elOld);
} else {
if (this.ordered) {
// Move the element to the given index.
rdom.move(el, ++this._i);
// Register the element as "added:" - It's not a zombie and won't be removed on cleanup.
// Register the element as the element of ref.
this.refs.set(el, ref);
this.elems.set(ref, el);
return el;
* Remove an element from this context, both the element in the DOM and all references in RDOM.
* @param {Element} el The element to remove.
remove(el) {
if (!el)
let ref = this.refs.get(el);
if (!ref)
return; // The element doesn't belong to this context - no ref object found.
// Remove the element and all related object references from the context.
// Remove the element from the DOM.
* Remove zombie elements and perform any other ending cleanup.
* Call this after the last [add].
end() {
for (let el of this.prev) {
if (this.added.has(el))
let tmp = this.prev;
this.prev = this.added;
this.added = tmp;
this._i = -1;