using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Keys; using Dalamud.IoC; using Dalamud.Plugin; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Graphics.Kernel; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Common.Lua; using FFXIVClientStructs.Interop; using ImGuiNET; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using TerraFX.Interop.Windows; using static TerraFX.Interop.Windows.Windows; namespace CustomResolution; public sealed unsafe class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin { private object _disposeLock = new(); private readonly HRGN _invisibleRgn; private readonly List _cmds; private bool _unloading = false; private int _tickCount = 0; private HWND _currentHwnd; private RECT _currentClientRect; private RECT _currentWindowRect; private DXVKDWMHackMode _currentDXVKDWMHackMode = DXVKDWMHackMode.Off; public Plugin(IDalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface) { _invisibleRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, -1, -1); pluginInterface.Create(); Service.Plugin = this; Service.Config = Service.PluginInterface.GetPluginConfig() as Configuration ?? new(); Service.Config.Initialize(Service.PluginInterface); Service.PluginUI = new(); Service.WndProcHook = new(); Service.CursorPosHooks = new(); _cmds = typeof(Plugin).Assembly.GetTypes() .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && typeof(Cmd).IsAssignableFrom(t)) .Select(t => (Cmd) Activator.CreateInstance(t)!) .ToList(); foreach (Cmd cmd in _cmds) { cmd.Register(Service.CommandManager); } Service.Framework.Update += OnFrameworkUpdate; } public string Name => "CustomResolution"; public HWND CurrentHWND { get; private set; } public uint CurrentWidth { get; private set; } public uint CurrentHeight { get; private set; } public uint CurrentWindowWidth { get; private set; } public uint CurrentWindowHeight { get; private set; } public bool CurrentBorderlessFullscreen { get; private set; } public bool IsDebug { get; set; } public void Dispose() { _unloading = true; lock (_disposeLock) { _tickCount = 0; Service.Framework.Update -= OnFrameworkUpdate; Service.Framework.RunOnFrameworkThread(Update); } foreach (Cmd cmd in _cmds) { cmd.Dispose(); } Service.CursorPosHooks.Dispose(); Service.WndProcHook.Dispose(); Service.PluginUI.Dispose(); Service.Plugin = null!; } public void ConvertCoordsWinToGame(ref int x, ref int y) { if (CurrentWidth == CurrentWindowWidth && CurrentHeight == CurrentWindowHeight) { return; } float scaleX = CurrentWidth / (float) CurrentWindowWidth; float scaleY = CurrentHeight / (float) CurrentWindowHeight; x = (int) Math.Round(x * scaleX); y = (int) Math.Round(y * scaleY); } public void ConvertCoordsGameToWin(ref int x, ref int y) { if (CurrentWidth == CurrentWindowWidth && CurrentHeight == CurrentWindowHeight) { return; } float scaleX = CurrentWindowWidth / (float) CurrentWidth; float scaleY = CurrentWindowHeight / (float) CurrentHeight; x = (int) Math.Round(x * scaleX); y = (int) Math.Round(y * scaleY); } public void ConvertCoordsGlobalToGame(ref int x, ref int y) { if (CurrentWidth == CurrentWindowWidth && CurrentHeight == CurrentWindowHeight) { return; } float scaleX = CurrentWidth / (float) CurrentWindowWidth; float scaleY = CurrentHeight / (float) CurrentWindowHeight; var p = new POINT(x, y); ScreenToClient(_currentHwnd, &p); p.x = (int) Math.Round(p.x * scaleX); p.y = (int) Math.Round(p.y * scaleY); ClientToScreen(_currentHwnd, &p); x = p.x; y = p.y; } public void ConvertCoordsGameToGlobal(ref int x, ref int y) { if (CurrentWidth == CurrentWindowWidth && CurrentHeight == CurrentWindowHeight) { return; } float scaleX = CurrentWindowWidth / (float) CurrentWidth; float scaleY = CurrentWindowHeight / (float) CurrentHeight; var p = new POINT(x, y); ScreenToClient(_currentHwnd, &p); p.x = (int) Math.Round(p.x * scaleX); p.y = (int) Math.Round(p.y * scaleY); ClientToScreen(_currentHwnd, &p); x = p.x; y = p.y; } public void Update() { var dev = Device.Instance(); int rectWidth = _currentClientRect.right - _currentClientRect.left; int rectHeight = _currentClientRect.bottom -; if ((rectWidth <= 0 || rectHeight <= 0) && !_unloading) { return; } uint width, height; bool disabled = _unloading || !Service.Config.IsEnabled; if (Service.Config.IsScale || disabled) { var scale = disabled ? 1f : Service.Config.Scale; width = (uint) Math.Round(rectWidth * scale); height = (uint) Math.Round(rectHeight * scale); } else { width = Service.Config.Width; height = Service.Config.Height; } if (width != dev->Width || height != dev->Height) { Service.PluginLog.Info($"Changing resolution to {width} x {height}"); if (width < 256) { width = 256; } if (height < 256) { height = 256; } dev->NewWidth = width; dev->NewHeight = height; dev->RequestResolutionChange = 1; } // TODO: This isn't accurate! Figure out how to read the game's settings instead. CurrentBorderlessFullscreen = (GetWindowLong(_currentHwnd, GWL.GWL_STYLE) & WS.WS_SYSMENU) == 0; if (Service.Config.DXVKDWMHackMode != DXVKDWMHackMode.Off && !_unloading) { SetDXVKDWMHack(Service.Config.DXVKDWMHackMode); } else if (Service.Config.DXVKDWMHackMode == DXVKDWMHackMode.Off && _currentDXVKDWMHackMode != DXVKDWMHackMode.Off) { SetDXVKDWMHack(DXVKDWMHackMode.Off); } CurrentWidth = width; CurrentHeight = height; CurrentWindowWidth = (uint) rectWidth; CurrentWindowHeight = (uint) rectHeight; } private void SetDXVKDWMHack(DXVKDWMHackMode mode) { /* Default maximized style / exstyle is 0x95000000 / 0. * WS.WS_POPUP | WS.WS_VISIBLE | WS.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS.WS_MAXIMIZE * Default windowed style / exstyle is 0x14CF0000 / 0. * WS.WS_VISIBLE | WS.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS.WS_CAPTION | WS.WS_SYSMENU | WS.WS_THICKFRAME | WS.WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX */ uint styleOrig = (uint) GetWindowLong(_currentHwnd, GWL.GWL_STYLE); uint exstyleOrig = (uint) GetWindowLong(_currentHwnd, GWL.GWL_EXSTYLE); uint style = styleOrig; uint exstyle = exstyleOrig; bool fullscreen = (style & WS.WS_SYSMENU) == 0; if (IsDebug) { Service.PluginLog.Info("--------"); Service.PluginLog.Info($"STYLE: 0x{style:X8}"); Service.PluginLog.Info($"EXSTYLE: 0x{GetWindowLong(_currentHwnd, GWL.GWL_EXSTYLE):X8}"); Span name = stackalloc ushort[256]; GetClassName(_currentHwnd, name.GetPointer(0), name.Length); WNDCLASSEXW wce; GetClassInfoEx(GetModuleHandle(null), name.GetPointer(0), &wce); Service.PluginLog.Info($"CLASS: {new string((char*) name.GetPointer(0))}"); Service.PluginLog.Info($" 0x{}"); } if (fullscreen) { if (mode == DXVKDWMHackMode.UnsetPopup) { style &= ~WS.WS_POPUP; } else { style |= WS.WS_POPUP; } } if (fullscreen && mode.IsSetClientEdge()) { exstyle |= WS.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; exstyle |= WS.WS_EX_COMPOSITED; } else { exstyle &= ~(uint) WS.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; exstyle &= ~(uint) WS.WS_EX_COMPOSITED; } if (IsDebug) { Service.PluginLog.Info($"NEWSTYLE: 0x{style:X8}"); Service.PluginLog.Info($"NEWEXSTYLE: 0x{exstyle:X8}"); } if (style != styleOrig || exstyle != exstyleOrig || _currentDXVKDWMHackMode != mode) { if (IsDebug) { Service.PluginLog.Info("UPDATE"); } SetWindowLong(_currentHwnd, GWL.GWL_STYLE, (int) style); SetWindowLong(_currentHwnd, GWL.GWL_EXSTYLE, (int) exstyle); SetWindowPos(_currentHwnd, HWND.NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP.SWP_NOZORDER | SWP.SWP_NOMOVE | SWP.SWP_NOSIZE | SWP.SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP.SWP_DRAWFRAME); ShowWindow(_currentHwnd, SW.SW_SHOW); } else if (IsDebug) { Service.PluginLog.Info("SAME"); } _currentDXVKDWMHackMode = mode; } private void OnFrameworkUpdate(IFramework framework) { lock (_disposeLock) { var io = ImGui.GetIO(); if (Service.Config.HotkeyKey != VirtualKey.NO_KEY && (ImGuiNative.igIsKeyPressed((ImGuiKey) Service.Config.HotkeyKey, 0) != 0 || Service.KeyState.GetRawValue(Service.Config.HotkeyKey) != 0) && (Service.Config.HotkeyModifier switch { ModifierKey.NONE => !io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt && !io.KeyShift, ModifierKey.CTRL => io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt && !io.KeyShift, ModifierKey.ALT => !io.KeyCtrl && io.KeyAlt && !io.KeyShift, ModifierKey.SHIFT => !io.KeyCtrl && !io.KeyAlt && io.KeyShift, _ => false, })) { Service.Config.IsEnabled = !Service.Config.IsEnabled; Service.Config.Save(); } var dev = Device.Instance(); _currentHwnd = (HWND) (IntPtr) dev->hWnd; fixed (RECT* currentClientRectPtr = &_currentClientRect) fixed (RECT* currentWindowRectPtr = &_currentWindowRect) { GetClientRect(_currentHwnd, currentClientRectPtr); GetWindowRect(_currentHwnd, currentWindowRectPtr); } if (_tickCount++ >= 2) { _tickCount = 0; Update(); } _tickCount++; } } }